8 research outputs found

    On Extensions of AF2 with Monotone and Clausular (Co)inductive Definitions

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    This thesis discusses some extensions of second-order logic AF2 with primitive constructors representing least and greatest fixed points of monotone operators, which allow to define predicates by induction and coinduction. Though the expressive power of second-order logic has been well-known for a long time and suffices to define (co)inductive predicates by means of its (co)induction principles, it is more user-friendly to have a direct way of defining predicates inductively. Moreover recent applications in computer science oblige to consider also coinductive definitions useful for handling infinite objects, the most prominent example being the data type of streams or infinite lists. Main features of our approach are the use clauses in the (co)inductive definition mechanism, concept which simplifies the syntactic shape of the predicates, as well as the inclusion of not only (co)iteration but also primitive (co)recursion principles and in the case of coinductive definitions an inversion principle. For sake of generality we consider full monotone, and not only positive definitions, after all positivity is only used to ensure monotonicity. Working towards practical use of our systems we give them realizability interpretations where the systems of realizers are strongly normalizing extensions of the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus, system F in Curry-style, with (co)inductive types corresponding directly to the logical systems via the Curry-Howard correspondence. Such realizability interpretations are therefore not reductive: the definition of realizability for a (co)inductive definition is again a (co)inductive definition. As main application of realizability we extend the so-called programming-with-proofs paradigm of Krivine and Parigot to our logics, by means of which a correct program of the lambda calculus can be extracted from a proof in the logic

    Mendler-style Iso-(Co)inductive predicates: a strongly normalizing approach

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    We present an extension of the second-order logic AF2 with iso-style inductive and coinductive definitions specifically designed to extract programs from proofs a la Krivine-Parigot by means of primitive (co)recursion principles. Our logic includes primitive constructors of least and greatest fixed points of predicate transformers, but contrary to the common approach, we do not restrict ourselves to positive operators to ensure monotonicity, instead we use the Mendler-style, motivated here by the concept of monotonization of an arbitrary operator on a complete lattice. We prove an adequacy theorem with respect to a realizability semantics based on saturated sets and saturated-valued functions and as a consequence we obtain the strong normalization property for the proof-term reduction, an important feature which is absent in previous related work.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    Two extensions of system F

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    This paper presents two extensions of the second order polymorphic lambda calculus, system F, with monotone (co)inductive types supporting (co)iteration, primitive (co)recursion and inversion principles as primitives. One extension is inspired by the usual categorical approach to programming by means of initial algebras and final coalgebras; whereas the other models dialgebras, and can be seen as an extension of Hagino's categorical lambda calculus within the framework of parametric polymorphism. The systems are presented in Curry-style, and are proven to be terminating and type-preserving. Moreover their expressiveness is shown by means of several programming examples, going from usual data types to lazy codata types such as streams or infinite trees

    Conjuntos y modelos: curso avanzado

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    El libro Conjuntos y modelos: curso avanzado, está dedicado a los alumnos de posgrado o del último año de licenciatura que en sus estudios utilicen la teoría de conjuntos o la lógica matemática. En este libro se cubren los fundamentos de la teoría de conjuntos y de la lógica matemática para llegar a temas avanzados como la combinatoria infinita, la teoría de modelos y el universo construible de Gödel. Se pone especial énfasis en las aplicaciones principalmente en álgebra. Esta obra pretende remediar en buena medida la ausencia de material didáctico en español e incluso en otros idiomas que cubra los temas presentados sistemáticamente en este trabajo